Quinoa is a member of the goosefoot family, and yields a supergrain. It is native to the Andes, and was a staple of the Incas. A botanical fruit of an herb plant, quinoa is not a true grain…One cup has more calcium and protein than a quart of milk. Ounce for ounce quinoa has as much protein as meat, contains all of the essential amino acids, and has high amounts of iron and calcium. All in all, it comes closer than any other food in supplying all of the nutrients needed for life…While quinoa originated from the Andes of Bolivia and Peru, U.S. farmers harvest more than 200,000 pounds of it each year in the Rocky Mountains. It has the whitest and the sweetest tasting if grown above 12,500 feet. Quinoa can be produced at lower elevations, but tends to be more bittersweet in taste.

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